The Boa Basement - Sharp Snowglow Boas  

Douglas R. Matuszak
2171 Delaware Dr.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

check the "Special Offers" link at the top of the “available boa” link for up to date price savings on certain projects, quantity pricing and package deals.

This is the BIG PROJECT in the industry as of 2012. I bred a male Sharp Snow Glow to a T+ Motley which produced normal, hypo, motley and hypo motley animals of which all are 100% heterozygous for T+ albino, Sharp albino and anerythristic making these the most powerful and pure group of animals in the industry to date.

I am only mentioning the visual appearances that you will produce in the pairings below, not all the possible het combos, I know them but don’t feel like writing a small novel.

When you breed a pair of the normals to one another, you will produce the following: normal, anerythristic, Sharp albino, T+ albino, Sharp Snow, T+ Snow, Sharp T+ designer and the Sharp T+ Snow designer. Normal triple heterozygous animals are $2500 each.

Normal x hypo will produce the following: normal, T+ albino, Sharp albino, anerythristic, hypo, Sharp sunglow, T+ sunglow, ghost, Sharp snow glow, T+ snow glow, Sharp T+ sunglow, Sharp T+ snow glow, Sharp Snow, T+ snow, Sharp T+ snow and Sharp T+ albino. Hypo triple hets are $4000 each

Normal x Motley will produce the following: normal, sharp albino, T+ albino, anerythristic, motley, sharp motley, T+ motley, anerythristic motley, sharp T+ motley, sharp snow motley, T+ snow motley, sharp snow, T+ snow, sharp T+ albino, sharp T+ snow, sharp T+ snow motley. Motley triple hets are $5000 each

Normal x hypo motley will produce all the above plus a few more totaling some 30+ different appearances and an awful lot of them will be brand new to the industry and out of this combination, the crown jewel will be the Sharp T+ Snow Glow Motley designer which is a designer with all five genes showing in the form of an anerythristic/Sharp albino/T+ albino/Hypo/Motley animal. Hypo Motley triple hets are $7500 each.

Hypo triple x Motley triple breeding will produce all the same as the Hypo Motley triple bred to a normal.

I am a firm believer in stacking genes to strengthen weak genes such as the super motley and this may be the correct number of genes to bring this appearance into the boa world as a viable part of the future. Now it will not be the black patternless that we all know but some other colored patternless boa and in fact, it could be many different colors with all the combos listed above.

In all the combos listed above, we have yet to double down on the hypo side so you could see even more amazing things when those breedings take place.

This female below is the only hypo triple het available since she was the only one produced

I do plan on breeding hypo motley triple to hypo motley triple het down the road, that is probably why the snake gods gave me only 1 female hypo motley triple het so I would be the first to crack the boundaries of time and space.

Hypo Boas Hypo Triple Heterozygous Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator
CB 6/4/12