The Boa Basement - 2013 Male SPastel Clown  

Douglas R. Matuszak
2171 Delaware Dr.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

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These are the beautiful Pastel Clown Ball python designers which were produced from a male Pastel Clown bred to a female Clown which of course produced all Clown and Pastel Clown children. These boys are so powerful in the ever emerging Ball Python Industry since they can be used to create brand new designers for decades to come. Every time a new base morph comes into the country or is proven out in someone’s collection, a piece like this can not only add the Clown gene but also inject the Pastel into it immediately.

Female Pewter Bee Het Hypo Ball Python Pastel Clown Ball Python
P. regius
CH 8-25-2013
Female Pewter Bee Het Hypo Ball Python Pastel Clown Ball Python
P. regius
CH 8-25-2013
Female Pewter Bee Het Hypo Ball Python Pastel Clown Ball Python
P. regius
CH 8-25-2013