The Boa Basement - Het for Hypo Ball Pythons  

Douglas R. Matuszak
2171 Delaware Dr.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

These 2 little girls are 100% het for the orange/green line of hypo ball pythons from Mark Bell acquired back in 1998 and is the line I have made my beautiful hypo pastel jungles and hypo super pastel jungles and now my hypo pewter and many more right around the corner. They are from two separate breedings with different fathers so they are not siblings. $200 each or take both for $300 plus shipping, eating live weaned mice weekly, would eat more if offered.

Het for Hypo Ball Python Het for Hypo Ball Python
Python regius
CH 7/27/08
Het for Hypo Ball Python Het for Hypo Ball Python
Python regius
CH 7/26/08