The Boa Basement - Sunglow 66% Het for Anery Boas  

Douglas R. Matuszak
2171 Delaware Dr.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

These are the last of the orange tail Sharp Sunglows 66% possible het for anerythristic produced from double het x triple het breedings done here last season (2009). If they were true hets, they would be $5000 animals, but since we can't tell, they are being offered at half the possible price. These can be matched up with actual snow or snow glow animals or a more affordable way would be to match them up with either double or triple het animals, pair pricing is available.

Sharp Sunglow 66% Sharp Sunglow 66% possible Het for Anerythristic Boa
Boa constrictor imperator
CB 4-22-09
Sharp Sunglow 66% Sharp Sunglow 66% possible Het for Anerythristic Boa
Boa constrictor imperator
CB 4-22-09