The Boa Basement - Pastel Jungle Clown Ball Python  

Douglas R. Matuszak
Cleveland Heights, OH 44121

This is a World’s First hatched on 7-8-2013 from a male pastel double het for hypo clown bred to a female normal double het for hypo clown producing 7 eggs of which 2 were bad right from the beginning and another 2 never came out of the egg but the last egg opened held this most precious gift in the form of a Hypo Pastel Clown ball python. This 3 gene powerhouse will simply make the creation of new multi recessive gene designers a snap. Breed one of these to an Axanthic and you will produce both normal and pastels of which all will be 100% true triple het for Hypo Axanthic clown aka True ghost Clown and with the pastel on some of the animals, eventually you will get to an animal that will be a True Ghost Killer Clown which is a Hypo/Axanthic/Super Pastel/Clown designer. Add Ultramel and eventually get to a Ultra glow Killer Clown, plans of making Caramel Glow Killer Clowns are also going to be a reality and so on. Well I have now made the Hypo Killer Clown (World’s First 2012) and now the Hypo Pastel Clown (World’s First 2013) now all I have to make is the Hypo Clown, I seem to be going backwards in this project but I wouldn’t change a thing.
Hypo Pastel Clown Ball Python
Hypo Pastel Clown Ball Python
Hypo Pastel Clown Ball Python
Hypo Pastel Clown Ball Python