The Boa Basement - Fine Line Colombian Boas  

Douglas R. Matuszak
Cleveland Heights, OH 44121

The beautiful Fine Line Colombian is another pure B. c. imperator to add to so many other beautiful Colombian morphs that all ready exist. I just acquired these in 2009. I believe these are a co-dominant and from what information we could get, these particular animals I got may be potential dominant Fine Lines, only time will tell, but if they turn out to be recessives, I am fine with that too. Besides there genetic possibilities, these animals are beautiful in their own right turning a beautiful yellow coloration as adults with the thin patterning giving it another unique appearance. I am looking forward to making Sharp Fine Lines, T+ Fine Lines, fine Line Ghosts, Fine Line Motleys, Fine Line Arabesques and so on and so on, you get the idea.

Fine Line Colombian Boa
Fine Line Colombian Boa
Fine Line Colombian Boa